The Top 100 Builder list is released every year by This is the much anticipated annual ranking of the top 100 home builders in America. We are proud to announce that 11 of the top 15 home builders in 2016 are affiliated with Professional Warranty Service Corporation. PWSC Builders provide their homeowners with added confidence through a multitude of our home warranty solutions, including our Home Builder’s Limited Warranty (HBLW), Signature 10-Year insured Warranty, HomeOwner Platform (HOP), HomePRO Systems and Appliance Warranty and much more!
We are humbled and thankful to be working with such outstanding industry professionals! Congratulations to all of the builders ranked this year!

Boost Your Brand and Bottom Line: Builder Benefits of Outsourcing Customer Care
Managing warranty claims, coordinating repairs, and addressing homeowner concerns can quickly overwhelm a builder’s customer care team. The process takes time, money, and focus away