Author: Lindsay Tingler

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Home Warranties assets to business

Structural Home Warranties – A builder benefit that is an asset to your company!

Insurance is an asset when it comes to protecting your company.  Often times, builders try to save on “frivolous expenses” and think that a structural ...
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Top 15 Home Builders of 2016

The Top 100 Builder list is released every year by  This is the much anticipated annual ranking of the top 100 home builders in ...
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real estate pros working with investors

Should Real Estate Professionals Invest in Investors?

Rising home prices and stagnant wages have left many homebuyers struggling to afford a home. Rental investors, on the other hand, are thriving. With cash ...
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Before you head out for the holiday weekend…

Before you head out for the holiday weekend and find yourself surrounded by American flags, fireworks and friends, we want to take a moment to tell you ...
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Smaller Builders Reach Out to Millennials with Infill Housing

More than any other group, millennial buyers are attracted to infill housing. For these home buyers, typically defined as those born between 1982 and 2004, ...
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Make the Most of Home Warranties Throughout the Transaction

A home warranty is one of the most important tools offered to a home purchaser.  The warranty* protects all parties involved in the purchase and ...
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PWSC Looking Forward to 1st BIPRT During PCBC 2016

Last April 2015, Leading Builders of America (LBA), Lennox International, Masco Corporation, Owens-Corning, and Whirlpool Corporation announced the formation of The Building Industry Policy Roundtable ...
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Continuing Education White Paper

WHITE PAPER: Structural vs. Systems and Appliance Warranties

When homeowner Michael Miller closed on his $400,000 home in North Texas, he thought he was buying the house of his dreams. But then the ...
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Home Warranty 101 Training

Coming to a Neighborhood Near YOU: Warranty 101 & Understanding Construction Risk

PWSC’s Director of Business Development and Risk Management, John Hubbard, in partnership with several other high-level industry professionals, Shelli Lucas-Kennedy, George Dale, Tim Mitchell and ...
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Increase Value & Sell Faster with Homeowner Warranties

Do you want to sell your home for more money? Wouldn’t you be thrilled to get your house sold quicker than your neighbor? With the ...
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