Author: Lindsay Tingler

Browse Articles

PWSC-Commissioned Independent Homeowner Survey Yields Noteworthy Results

CHANTILLY, VA – December 15, 2016 – Earlier this fall, Professional Warranty Service Corporation (PWSC) commissioned an independent, 3rd-party, blind consumer survey to find out ...
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Arbitration vs Litagation

Arbitration vs Litigation – There IS a Difference!

The topic of the month ~ shall we call it “anger management”?  No, we will call it Risk Management!  Sadly, in this world of technology, ...
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New Construction during changing climates

Building Confidence in a Changing Climate

A newly built home in Seattle, Washington has been built to withstand a disaster of seismic proportions. Made of concrete, that earthquake resistance exceeds local ...
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Online Reviews for Real Estate Pros and Builders

Got Reviews? Your Online Presence is Paramount to Success!

When prospective buyers decide to start house hunting, their first step has typically been to seek word-of-mouth recommendations for a builder or real estate professional. ...
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happy thanksgiving stamp

Happy Thanksgiving from PWSC!

The leaves are falling and the temperatures have cooled.  This holiday season is upon us!  At Professional Warranty Service Corporation, our thoughts turn gratefully to ...
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South Carolina Supreme Court Ruling for Builders Warranty

S.C. Supreme Court Enforces Broadly Worded Arbitration Provision in Builder’s Warranty

The Supreme Court of South Carolina recently made it clear that if a home warranty includes an arbitration provision, then all claims may be subject ...
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Don't fall behind in homeowner maintenance

Don’t FALL BACK! Jump Ahead for Winter!

Our days are shorter this time of year, as we have recently done the daylight savings “fall back” an hour trick on our clocks. Despite ...
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Baby Boomer Generation and Home Builders

WHITE PAPER: Baby Boomers & Home Builders

When Baby Boomers Michael Cox and Aimee Norwood decided to sell their home, they had every intention of downsizing. But just as they were about ...
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PWSC Testimonial

Testimonial: Happy HomePRO Homeowner

At PWSC, we are proud to be a top ranked industry resource with our New Construction Home Warranty plans for builders of all sizes – ...
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Are you a homebuilding dinosaur

Keeping Up with Trends: Is Your Business in the Loop or Are You A Dinosaur?

The month of October typically brings a season of new home displays for consumers.  It is a month for events like the Parade of Homes, ...
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