Author: Lindsay Tingler

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WHITE PAPER: Builders & Real Estate Professionals Team Up for 2017

People are hungry for new homes. Rising rents, low mortgage rates and a rallying economy have transformed a new generation of renters into would-be home ...
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2017 Home Building Forecast: Is Your Glass Half-Full or Half-Empty?

Steady, volatile, sluggish, active, suppressed, anemic, affordability issues, price appreciation, declining inventory, millennial problem, modest wage gains, household formation, slowing, yet moderate growth, set against ...
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Will Your Home Appreciate in Value in 2017?

Rising property values give homeowners more equity at their disposal—plus the satisfaction of knowing they made a good investment. As you plan your financial goals ...
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What is Risk Management?

Risk Management… we hear this term quite frequently thrown about in our current business environment.  Marketing, insurance, warranties and sales are a few aspects of ...
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Home Builders keep sites in sight!

Home Builders Need to Keep Sites in Sight!

Nashville home builders have enough buildable sites to last for about a year. After that, prices will skyrocket—unless developers can catch up. As it is, ...
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5 ways builders can show love beyond closing

5 Ways to Show Homeowners Love after Closing

The final nail has been hammered, the last coat of paint has dried and the mountain of paperwork has been signed. Your client has moved ...
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WHITE PAPER: The Court of Public Opinion Is In Session

When ice enveloped the outlets and wood floors of Jennifer Wyton’s Northern Illinois home, she discovered her brand-new house was missing insulation. Unhappy with her ...
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IBS 2017 PWSC Recap

PWSC Kicks Off the New Year at IBS 2017

NAHB’s International Builders’ Show (IBS) 2017 wrapped up last week in Orlando, Florida. Professional Warranty Service Corporation (PWSC) was thrilled to be involved in the ...
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Smart Home Technology in New Construction

Is New Home Technology in Your Future?

Think about how much time you spend each week digging for your house keys. Or watering plants. Or making grocery lists. Or running back home because ...
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2017 Home Building Trends

Home Building Trends: What to Expect in 2017

Recent 2017 housing construction predictions all point to a year of slow but steady improvement, punctuated by exciting new developments in home efficiency and technology. ...
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