Author: Lindsay Tingler

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What Do Home Warranties Mean To Me?

Home Warranties: What’s In It For Me?

Years ago, in a sales training class, the teacher emphasized that we must keep in mind the “what’s in it for me” aspect of selling. ...
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Kingsway Announces Warranty Company Acquisition

TORONTO, Oct. 12, 2017 /CNW/ – (TSX: KFS, NYSE: KFS) Kingsway Financial Services Inc. (“Kingsway” or the “Company”) today announced it has closed on its acquisition of Professional ...
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Home Building in 2018: What Does the Future Hold for Builders & Buyers?

After the intense competition and skyrocketing home prices of the past couple years, the housing market’s recovery is expected to continue at a slower and ...
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What Real Estate Agents Need to Know About Selling New Construction

Real estate pros, imagine that moment while working with buyers and showing them one resale home after then next, knowing you just haven’t quite found ...
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New Home Building Marketing: Different for Local & National Builders?

The housing recovery has turned into a housing shortage in many cities, and soaring demand for new homes has opened a gateway of opportunity for ...
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Multi-family home

Investors & Lenders See Single-Family Home Building Outpacing Multifamily

 To own or to rent? It’s a question a lot of Americans are pondering these days—and not just when it comes to where they live. ...
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What is Binding Arbitration?

What is Binding Arbitration?

When purchasing your new home, it is important to understand the contract you are signing.  Whether this home is a new construction or a resale ...
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Changes in the Home Building Industry

WHITE PAPER: Legal Changes Affect New Home Builders & Construction Industry

Home buyers are scrambling to find affordable entry level homes as the already low supply continues to decrease. On the surface, it seems like a ...
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Home Builders and Foreign Buyers

U.S. Home Builders are Benefitting from Foreign Home Buyers

Something’s driving the escalating demand for homes—and it’s not just local buyers. As housing markets become increasingly international, a growing number of foreign buyers are ...
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11 common callbacks

Re: 11 Most Common Callbacks

Builders need to be aware of the most common troublesome areas in a newly constructed home that lead to untimely and expensive callbacks.  As builders ...
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