Author: Lindsay Tingler

Browse Articles

2018 Home Building Forecast: Is It the Tortoise or the Hare?

As we start a very cold year, at least on the East Coast, I look back on 2017 and think about what it might mean ...
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Top 3 Issues Home Buyers Fear & How Builder Warranties Help Mitigate Them

Leaky roofs, leaning walls, faulty wiring: Purchasing a defective home is high on the list of home buyers’ worst nightmares. It’s no wonder, given that ...
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Is There a New Definition of Job Satisfaction in the Construction & Home Building Industries?

With crisis-level housing shortages in many U.S. cities, home builders face intense pressure to build up the nation’s inventory of available homes. Yet labor shortages ...
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What Should Home Builders Know About Joint Employer Guidance?

Working with subcontractors just got easier for home builders. Recent changes to national labor standards allow construction companies to once again hire subcontractors without being ...
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Top 4 Questions About 3rd Party Administered Builder Warranty Programs

There are a lot of costs involved in building a home. For example, there is the acquisition of land, regulatory fees, labor, and materials, just ...
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Home Warranty Business Partnership

Home Warranty Partnerships

As a home builder, it is important to choose a home warranty company that will work well for your business.  Your home warranty provider should ...
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WHITE PAPER: 5 Cutting-Edge Online Marketing Platforms for Home Builders

The home buyer journey isn’t as simple as it used to be. It used to go something like this: You’d get a referral, make contact, ...
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Home Builder News 2018

What Should Builders Know About 2018 New Home Construction?

After several years of skyrocketing home prices and tightening inventories, the dust is finally starting to settle in the housing market, leaving home builders surveying ...
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2018 Housing Bubble

Will the Housing Bubble Burst in 2018?

Home prices continue to escalate, and talk of another housing bubble is brewing. But is there any truth to it? The answer depends on whom ...
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How Do Federal Laws Affect New Home Building on Coastal Land?

From scenic views to the sound of lapping water, owning a home on the coast is a dream for many home buyers. But the reality ...
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